Adam Carolla Divorce: How the Comedian Ended His 19-Year Marriage

Adam Carolla Divorce

In May 2021, comedian and podcast host Adam Carolla filed for divorce from his wife of 19 years, Lynette Paradise. The couple, together for 25 years and parents to Santino and Natalia, finalized their divorce in January 2024 after a year of negotiations and settlements. What prompted the conclusion of their long-standing marriage? Here’s an overview of the reasons and events that contributed to their divorce.

Growing Apart Over Time

Adam and Lynette Carolla acknowledged growing apart over the years, leading to dissatisfaction in their marriage. Divergent interests, goals, and communication challenges, compounded by the pressures of public attention and Adam’s comedic and podcasting career, played a role. Adam expressed how his work affected every relationship, making it difficult to balance family and career. Lynette, in turn, felt neglected and lonely, missing the intimacy and connection with her husband.

Attempting to Salvage the Marriage

Before deciding on divorce, the Carollas attempted to address their issues through counseling and therapy, striving to spend more quality time together. Despite their ongoing love and a desire to remain friends, they eventually recognized their incompatibility and diverging life goals. Opting for personal happiness, they chose to go their separate ways.

Announcement of Divorce in 2021

The Carollas announced their divorce in May 2021 after months of speculation. A joint statement to People magazine expressed their enduring love for each other and their commitment to supporting their two children. They shared their feelings and struggles on The Adam Carolla Show, conveying sadness and heartbreak while expressing hope for peace and happiness.

Finalization of Divorce in 2024

The divorce was officially concluded in January 2024 after a year of negotiations and settlements. Adam and Lynette expressed relief and happiness at closing this chapter of their lives, harboring no hard feelings or regrets. Despite parting romantically, they affirmed their commitment to co-parenting their children, emphasizing gratitude for the time spent together and the lessons learned.

Agreement on a Financial Settlement

As part of their divorce, Adam and Lynette Carolla reached a financial settlement. Court documents obtained by The Blast¹ revealed that Adam agreed to pay Lynette $4 million, with their real estate property mostly split evenly. Monthly, Adam agreed to pay $32,000 in spousal support and $17,000 in child support for their 17-year-old children at the time.

Adam retained most of his assets, including a notable car collection, Paul Newman memorabilia, and intellectual property related to his podcasts, shows, books, and performances. Lynette retained a 2022 Tesla Model X and a 2021 Mercedes Benz, subject to lease agreements.

Moving On With New Partners

Post-divorce, Adam and Lynette Carolla moved on with new partners. Adam began dating Jennifer, praising her intelligence, sense of humor, and support for his work and family. Lynette found companionship in Chris, whom she met on a dating app, highlighting his charm and their enjoyable time together. Both expressed contentment and happiness in their new relationships.


Adam and Lynette Carolla’s divorce marked a sad and surprising event for fans of The Adam Carolla Show. Their 19-year marriage, blessed with two children, concluded due to growing apart and unhappiness.

Despite efforts to salvage the relationship, they announced their divorce in 2021, finalizing it in 2024. Expressing ongoing love and a desire to remain friends, the Carollas also reached a financial settlement and embraced new chapters with new partners, finding happiness and peace in their individual lives.
